The Darkling Dimension Geographic Location in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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The Darkling Dimension

"Warning ye who enter here, abandon all sense of logic." -A Scholar

With an arrangement of physics that clashes harshly against that of most worlds, this pocket of space and time is sectioned off from most of the galaxy. Named after the creature thought to permeate it the most, the Darkling, this region is a vast anomalous expanse where logic and reason hold little sway over its inhabitants.


The most well known native of the Darkling Dimension are, naturally, the Darklings themselves. Often reptile-like in appearance, the Darkling are most often horned, finned, clawed and muscular creatures of diminutive size.

Though befitting of a creature of its origin, even the appearance of Darklings is not consistent throughout their species. The singular consistency is a Darkling’s lack of hair of any kind.

After extensive observation, each Darkling appears to have a unique talent amongst their kind, often naming themselves accordingly, e.g. the Darkling capable of growing to immense proportions is named Big Big.

As the Darkling Dimension is largely incompatible with the known galaxy, connections between the two realms are difficult to locate or even manifest. Gates
The only means to accessing the Darkling Dimension is through a dimensional gateway of some manner. These gateways are most often hidden in the most unlikely places and are best left undisturbed, lest a flood of Darklings proceed through.

Millennium City

Within a night club sits an inconspicuous doorway to the darkling dimension. Though none can say where this door would otherwise lead, if not the gaping maw of insanity that lies beyond, all will insist they would rather not find out.


Darklings can be a force to be reckoned with, but only when under the command of a proper master. All known Darkling masters have died to the unlikeliest circumstances during their reign, often leaving the horde of Darklings aimless and, above all else, harmless.

Though Darklings can be commanded as a legion, when they are without command they are incapable of harming anything. Bizarre events conspire to ensure that even if the Darkling were to accidentally hurt someone, they would be unable to make contact.
Capable of ludicrous displays of power and the ability to alter reality itself, Darklings pose a risk to anyone whose sanity relies on logic and reason.

As any aspiring Darkling master may inform you, there is one surefire way to distract a band of Darklings: pointing out the presence of beer.


An unlikely target for Darkling fixation, beer and its containers are a Darkling’s favorite snack. The mere mention of them in the vicinity sends them into a frenzy, crying out ‘Beer’ in unison and rushing towards its holding place to then ravage supplies and eat the bottles and cans along with its contents. The familiar crunch of glass being devoured by a toothy maw of a Darkling is a useful sign to indicate that coast is clear for up to a minute.
Alternative Name(s)
Don't look!
Dimensional plane


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