Tessa Character in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Aethermancer Tessa

An accomplished engineer of magitech and anything aether, Tessa has led a career of great distinction around Rata Sum and Metrica Province. Born of an esteemed upper class family, she has inherited an inclination towards maintaining proper behaviour in all aspects of life, upholding an air of elegance, possessing an overall sense of superiority, and experiencing a crushing sense of responsibility.

Physical Description

Special abilities

A serviceable grasp of elementalism, more than sufficient for her work. She can defend herself against threats around Metrica Province passably.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses elegantly, with clothing made by the finest of tailors.

Mental characteristics


College of Statics


<The list is long...>   Presently working at the Luminates Plant.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A distinct number of accolades have been amassed by Tessa over the years. Her family connections have been of benefit in this regard.

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

Always do right by your family.

Personality Characteristics


Tessa maintains her image with great care, and always seem to have one pleasant perfume or another lingering around her.


Family Ties

Kudd - Contracted partner   Tiadda - Daughter   Sizeable extended family

Religious Views

Eternal Alchemy

Social Aptitude

A socialite that seems to know just what to say and do to justify her distinction.

Hobbies & Pets

Occasionally enjoys painting using different mediums.

Wealth & Financial state

Due to her extended family relations, Tessa has always had a strong financial backing. Strangely enough, she lives rather modestly, with an often middle class level quality in terms of living space and other expenses.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Rata Sum
Known Languages
Common Tongue (Tyria)   Asuran, New Krytan Scripts


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