Piscatoria Fisheries Building / Landmark in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Piscatoria Fisheries

Situated on an island not far from Rata Sum, the Piscatoria Fisheries conducts its cooperative fishing business. As one of the most established fishing businesses in the region, it provides Rata Sum with a plentiful of the sea's bounty.

Purpose / Function

As the headquarters of the Piscatoria Fisheries, the site marks the main hub where its members converge to plan and prepare their fishing trips, to bring and prepare their catch, and to conduct business with the markets in Rata Sum.

The site features several wharves for fishing vessels to moor by, where golems and cranes are used to load and unload cargo.
The main building, situated closest to the mooring area, houses administration on the higher floors, and the sorting and preparation of catches on the lower one - sizeable enough to house fishing ships if needed.
Several buildings surround the main one, housing various services such as repair and maintenance.

A few members have settled down with their families a bit further inland, residing in private labs or living quarters.

Sensory & Appearance

The smell of fish and sea salt intermingle to create a scent which may take a bit of getting used to. The sounds of rushing waves and blowing winds is almost always present, as is the hum of arcane crystals, and the dull steps of golems carrying cargo. The shrill cries of sea gulls are a common presence, as the abundance of caught fish brings about opportunists who desire a snack.


  • Numerous asuran fishers, some with families.
  • Numerous golems.
  • Seagulls.
  • Kavak - the current proprietor of the Piscatoria Fisheries. Getting on in years and in health, it is rumored he intends to retire. Currently contracted to Tanga.
  • Tanga - a retired fisher, and rumored to have a past in adventuring. Currently contracted to Kavak.
  • Getti - a remarkably old, long retired researcher. Mother of Tanga.
  • Barrok - Son of Kavak and Tanga, and a likely heir of the business.
  • Beppi - Barrok's granddaughter, roughly 4-5 years old. Occasionally seen playing around the fishery. Seem to like ships and adventure.

Hazards & Traps

Refrain from standing below lifted cargo or before golems engaged in cargo transportation protocols.


Originally started as a modest family business, it eventually saw substantial growth as the family banded together with other smaller fishing enterprises in the region. As its membership grew, so did the extent of construction on the island. Soon enough, it had become a bustling port.


The headquarters are constructed with a fairly standard, modern architecture typical of the asura; large and robust, almost temple-like in appearance. The buildings have been outfitted with entrances that are larger than usual in order to allow transportation of cargo or ships through the doorways.
Alternative Names
Piscatoria, or simply 'the fishery'


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