Legion of Bro Military Formation in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Legion of Bro


Perhaps even predating the League of Bro, the Legion of Bro was founded by Jack Mac Konvoy on the planet Bro as a means to combat a looming threat to both the world’s prosperity as his own existence.

Given Jack’s standing within the governmental structure of the world, he was quick to establish the necessary infrastructure to facilitate rapid research and development in order to equip the soldiers. During this time, Jack traveled between dimensions and various points in time to ensure his goal would be met, resulting in a series of events that are difficult to catalogue the order of.

Regardless of what exactly transpired to make it happen, the Legion of Bro was armed with weaponry and powered armor created from the planet’s most abundant metal: Titanium. This ready access to a strong and lightweight metal allowed the League of Bro to continue to thrive even after the battle had been waged.

Following a clash of the Legion of Bro with Shae’Tis’ Legion, formerly known as the Legion of the Mistward, the Legion of Bro’s numbers were decimated, leaving few survivors to still make up its ranks. Though successful in defending the world and Jack’s life, the Legion of Bro was quick to be disbanded after unanimous approval of its members.

Though the Legion of Bro no longer exists, its members still wander the galaxy, in the most unlikely of places.

Historical loyalties

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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Ranks & Titles


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