Kudd Character in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Manaconsultant Kudd

Hailing from a family of fishermen, Kudd chose a different path in life when he approached magitech engineering. Earnest and hard-working, he's led a fairly successful life as an engineer and consultant when it comes to the inner workings of asuran technology. While fairly easygoing at heart and in demeanour, his relationship with Tessa brought on an attention to etiquette and social status that he did not expect.

Physical Description

Special abilities

While he was born with a latent talent for necromancy, Kudd had not formally begun to practice this magic before the events of Bloodstone Morass. He later had a hardening experience when lost at sea, where his necromantic skill improved by leaps and bounds. Kudd now finds himself in a position where he can contend with even the biggest threats of Metrica Province.

Apparel & Accessories

Dressed fancily enough, albeit with a middle class touch in comparison to his partner.

Mental characteristics


College of Dynamics


<The list is quite long...>   Presently working at the Luminates Plant.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kudd has received a fair share of recognition over the years, but perhaps not quite to the extent of his partner.

Morality & Philosophy

Care for your loved ones.

Personality Characteristics


While Kudd was quite content with his lot in life, something awoke in him after the events of the Pearl Isles. A strange thirst for adventure took form, one which unfortunately seems to put him at odds with his partner...


Kudd takes good care of his hygiene, believing its an important part of being taken seriously as a professional. On occasions where he has to attend prestigious public or private events, Tessa offers advice on the particulars of maintaining a proper image.


Family Ties

Tessa - Contracted partner   Tiadda - Daughter   Sizeable extended family

Religious Views

Eternal Alchemy

Social Aptitude

A generally pleasant person to be around, though he can find himself rather out of place when brought to Tessa's prestigious events.

Hobbies & Pets

Fishing has remained as a strong hobby ever since Kudd was a child.   Of late, Kudd has found an interest in adventure, and insists that Tessa should join his venture. She remains reluctant.

Wealth & Financial state

Though he hails from a middle class family, his relationship with Tessa has inadvertently moved him up the social ladder. Strangely enough, he still lives quite modestly with Tessa in their Rata Sum apartment.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Rata Sum
Known Languages
Common Tongue (Tyria)   Asuran, New Krytan Scripts


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