Chapter 36: Battle Royale Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 36: Battle Royale

General Summary

As Samantha used her time off to eat and recover her stamina, she managed to witness a curious phenomenon as time itself stopped. Jack, arriving through warped space, deposited Alistair in the transport vessel before departing, stating he'd speak to Samantha soon.   The enlisting of Alistair appeared no mere coincidence, as the transport would quickly sound its alarm and come to a halt at the end of the tunnel.   Looming over the broken rail was Pyratus, the Cataclysmic. And as with all members of The Pantheon, Samantha would engage it in battle. Having the clear upper hand, Pyratus retreated to unleash its death rattle, yet found itself interrupted by the arrival of a second member, Georo, the Steady.   Both legendary beasts appeared to only have eyes for one another, battling like primal beings with no regard to their surroundings. This allowed Samantha and Alistair to mount a consistent offense to wear the beasts out, yet once more they would retreat to unleash their remaining energy towards a destructive finish.   Caught in the crossfire of two beasts, Sam found herself in space without time once again, now meeting the local Heir, who imparted its blessing to her. The newly acquired form allowed her to fully resist the aetherial onslaught of the Pantheon, weathering the storm and allowing them to collapse.   She collected the spoils before Pricia turned up, and made her way back to the Aetherial Monitoring Station, to assist her allies.

Rewards Granted

Null Form Pyratus' Fiery Core Georo's Impenetrable Scales

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
27 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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