Chapter 33: A Different Approach Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 33: A Different Approach

General Summary

With the immediate threat dealt with, Samantha was able to convene with the Heir. The nearest vessel capable of escaping the coming doom happens to be inhabited by the same people that summon forth the Pantheon's replicas. The Heir would see the status of Guardian granted in full, granting Samantha the authority to issue an evacuation order, as well as requisition usage of the Pantheon Hunters' vessel to that end. Regardless of plans, Sam secured another blessing, putting her at six out of nine.   With that arranged, Sam decided to return back to the Orbital Monitoring station, to review plans moving forward. She discussed her experienced with Jack, who seemed to linger on the subject of the masked mage. The sheer complexity of the magic employed by this individual would place their capability to manipulate aether on the highest tier encountered to date.   The next step would be to visit the Heir in the Southern Wastes, where an ally supposedly could use some assistance as well. Jack suggested to simply ask an Heir for a ride to expedite Samantha's trip, while he would ensure the next areas are thoroughly scouted before deployment.

Rewards Granted

Chimerian Form

Character(s) interacted with

Heir of the Skylands, Jack Mac Konvoy
Report Date
19 Dec 2020
Primary Location


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