Chapter 32: The Jubilant Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 32: The Jubilant

General Summary

Following the battle, Samantha and Kale descended to the islands below in order to find a way to enter through the barrier of winds.   A plan was devised to enter the eye of the storm, though it would mean Kale remained behind. Sam was provided a moment to enter through the barrier and explore what was on the other side. She located a research facility carrying various aspected crystal samples that she couldn't help but take with her, before the local Heir implored her to deal with the invader in the keep.   Rising the stairwell to the keep, Sam would finally encounter the troublemaker in person, Avery the Jubilant, the Mimic Mage capable of astounding magical showmanship. Proclaiming to be fated to do battle with the party, he shrunk everyone down to size and began a playful game of masks and magic. Thankfully, Shar and Lihs' proximity helped ensure a favorable outcome, and Avery was defeated at his own game, though nowhere to be found.
Report Date
14 Nov 2020


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