Chapter 28: The Jungle's Core Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 28: The Jungle's Core

General Summary

Having slept for a night that felt like ages, Samantha returned to her quest for knowledge, seeking out a local library to learn more. Figuring that she wouldn't glean a whole lot from a small town's collection of knowledge, Sam set out to do some investigative journalism of her own.   Taking to her cat form to accelerate her travel, she ventured towards the core of the jungle where Pricia was taken. She soon encountered the gargantuan tree within the center of the lake, Guaya's Seedling. During her brief sightseeing, she spotted a sword floating along the water's surface, prodding it with a stick for good measure. Though her investigation led to the presence in the water rising up to face her in the vague shape of a person.   Though it took some crafty magical combinations, Sam eventually wrested the sword from its grasp and claimed it as her own. A mighty sword for someone aspiring to a place of power. The sword seems capable of harnessing environmental aether and create a myriad of incantations with it, whether or not this is useful remains to be seen.   Sam set out towards Gauya's Seedling, swimming.

Rewards Granted

Aspect-Aligned Longsword

Character(s) interacted with

The Theranon Librarian
Report Date
29 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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