Chapter 23: Alone for a Time Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 23: Alone for a Time

General Summary

The party ventured their way down the Stairway of Saints, discussing the Old World once more, their marvels now lying unused and unusable around the lands, their reliance on aether depriving them of a future in the world as it is now.   Arriadne and Queen were set to move towards the Thunder Plains, where the simulacrum of Levin was slain. Yet Samantha had other intentions, deciding to break away from the party to pursue a detour and explore more of the world that way, as well as locate those Heirs she is meant to visit. This would greatly improve her means of traversing the continent, as long as they agree to her candidacy.   Sam camped outside of Watersedge before making her way to the ruins of Wyvernward, where she would encounter some scaly beasts who had taken up residence there. Amidst the beast were a man and his draconic companion, ready to thrust themselves into battle with the herd of beasts. Sam decided to pitch in, taking the chance to brush up on her new mastery.   After a battle involving joint aerial acrobatics and the liberal use of momentum, the Beasts were slain and Samantha formally introduced to Shar and Lihs. Shar informed Samantha of the Heir around the mountain ridge, a creature made of light.

Character(s) interacted with

Arriadne deFleur, Queen Ziedrich, Shar, Lihs
Report Date
02 May 2020
Primary Location


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