Chapter 22: The Royal Treatment Report in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Chapter 22: The Royal Treatment

General Summary

Having thwarted an assassination plot, at least partially, the party ponders upon their next move. Arriadne is set on going westward, to investigate the aetherial anomaly that was picked up back in Parmante. Sam, intent on chasing down Heirs, would opt to follow in their trail once again.   While Arriadne would have to report to the King, Queen and Sam would instead be treated to excessive foodstuffs. The two of them discussed their feelings on recent matters, as well as what may yet occur given Arriadne's tendency towards circumventing protocol.   Arriadne would arrive to bear bad news, no travel arrangements, which means detours once again. This time venturing southward to find any means of transportation whilst moving by foot once again. Though according to Arriadne, travel thus far has been far more peaceful than normal, speculating that beasts may be migrating once more. The last great migration occurred centuries ago, and saw several species move towards the Northern Expanse, often called the Unclaimed Wilds in modern day.   Before heading out, the King would show up to offer compensation for the job performed by the party. Though a gryphon was not available, they settled on receiving a Royal Guard's Longsword to replace Queen's broken sword. The King had some stern words in mind for Arriadne, but she parried them all the same.   With all said and done, the party left the city.   Meanwhile, the League's agents discussed the lack of findings on their original mission, having waived their rights to machinery to the Guardian Aspiree. Alistair ends up asking the same question he did to Sam: "What makes you so special?" A question without an answer.

Character(s) interacted with

Arriadne deFleur, Queen Ziedrich
Report Date
25 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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