BROFIST Military Formation in The Realm of the Physical | World Anvil
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Bulky Powered Armor


The first subdivision known on Earth would likely be the League of Bro’s most iconic. Clad in hefty powered armor and armed with Superpower Replication Devices, heavy weaponry and a slew of military grade vehicles, BROFIST would be the heavy handed arm of the League of Bro which would see the most time on the battlefield. Assisting in skirmishes against exotic armies, intercepting threats when able and putting their technology to its very limits, BROFIST would be the starting point of many members within the League of Bro.
It would also be the only subdivision of the League of Bro that would make use of a ranking system, something viewed by its members as rather arbitrary and lacking any meaning.

Originally supplied by ATAC, BROFIST made a change in R&D with the introduction of the pocket dimension of ‘Axxi’, where a diligent workforce would develop new technology to experiment with daily.

Its leadership structure has changed over the course of its existence. Though originally lead alone by ‘Commander’ Jack Mac Konvoy, he was later replaced by Jacky Mac Konvoy, his sister. During a lengthy period of Jack’s absence, the second-in-command Trace took over position of commander. This promotion would inevitably lead to the abandonment of this subdivision, as Commander Trace’s reputation and behavior made him an ill fit for the job.

It wouldn’t be until several years later, when Commander Trace set out on an assassination attempt and was subsequently killed, that the subdivision would meet its definitive disbanding.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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