Artificer's Dreidel Item in The Reach of An-Chré | World Anvil
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Artificer's Dreidel

The Artificer's Dreidel is a device which creates a Glyph of Warding type effect that is placed in a fixed location and remains active from 8 to 24 hours depending on the skill of the Artificer and the strength of the effect. Activation of the Glyph occurs when the Artificer places the Dreidel and sets it spinning. The result is a 5 foot radius circle around the Dreidel which will discharge it's effect if anyone other than the Artificer enters the space. Typical effects are warnings, such as an Alarm spell or any of the more classical Glyph of Warding effects. If the stored spell effect causes damage then teh Dreidel is consumed when activated. Simple warning spells do not destroy the device and it can be recharged by the Artificer for use at a later date.   A Dreidel can only be created from Living wood so an artificer must have a source of this material.
Item type
Living Wood is a rare resource in the Reach, harvested from the fallen branches of the Living Trees of the Waleen Wut. The wood elves of the Waleen Wut sell small amounts of Living Wood at Lumber day markets in Ke-Ayré each month. Other sources include occasional lots which appear in caravans travelling the Gold road or in foreign trade vessels that make port in Baile Gulor where it is a currency used to trade for fresh water.
0.2 lbs
6 inch square
Base Price


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