Ser Haldric de Luisignon Character in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

Ser Haldric de Luisignon

High Paladin of the Order of the Crimson Cross

The Red Bannermen
Hailing from a lineage of knights devoted to The Church of St. Ygg , Ser Haldric de Luisignon was immersed in the teachings and principles of righteousness from a very young age. His ascension to his current role is a result of a lifetime of stern discipline, unwavering belief, and an unbending will to execute the mandates of the church with a cold, calculating precision.   Personality:
Luisignon's personality is a complex layer of seemingly contrasting traits. He is both stern and nurturing, both detached and immensely dedicated. This duality stems from his deep-seated belief in the doctrines of St. Ygg, which demands stern justice yet promotes kindness and fairness.   His sanctimonious nature sometimes borders on condescending, and yet his fellow knights find themselves unable to harbor resentment towards him, as his commitment to the faith and to his comrades is clear in his every action.   Appearance:
An impressive figure, Luisignon towers over most, standing at a formidable height of 6'5" and weighing 250lbs, a testament to a lifetime of warfare and training. His long black hair cascades down in a mane that has witnessed many battles, while his equally long handlebar moustache is groomed meticulously, mirroring his disciplined and orderly nature.   Skills and Abilities:
Luisignon is a master strategist, his mind being a weapon as honed as the sword he wields. His leadership skills are unparalleled, forged in the many battles he has led the Red Bannermen into. He is both a spiritual and martial guide to those under his command, leading rites of devotion with the same fervor and intensity with which he leads charges into the enemies of the church.   Goals and Motivation:
Deeply motivated by his faith, Luisignon sees the spread of St. Ygg's teachings as a sacred duty, not just to the deity but to the world at large. He dreams of a unified Middenmark under the singular, righteous guidance of St. Ygg, a place where order prevails over chaos, and the light of righteousness overpowers the darkness of heresy and sin.   Relationships:
His relationship with His Venerable Mercy, Mordicar the Justhand is that of trusted advisor and confidant. They often engage in long theological and strategic discussions, with Luisignon providing insights drawn from both spiritual texts and his experiences on the battlefield. Though his demeanor may be seen as cold, within The Red Bannermen and towards his mentor Mordicar, Luisignon showcases a level of camaraderie and warmth, underpinned by deep respect and an unbreakable bond forged in shared beliefs and battles won side by side.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
"Ser Haldric de Luisignon, the Earl of Cloves and High Paladin of the Order of the Crimson Cross"


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