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The Pontision System


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Welcome to The Pontision System! I have created an original, science fiction setting primarily designed to be used in conjunction with the Lancer system. This is a galaxy teeming with life, adventure, intrigue and drama that you will help build and flesh out in private campaigns. As GM, I intend to run narrative and character focused campaigns with a healthy amount of combat and strategy mixed in between roleplaying. If roleplaying is not an area of interest for you, this may not be the game nor the table for you.   Feel free to explore the information provided here at your leisure, and do not feel any pressure to read everything that has been written. There is a lot of depth within this setting and I fully understand if the amount of information here is overwhelming to readers. Much of what has been written here will not affect the story that you will embark on, and primarily exists to cater to a diverse array of interests and for my own personal understanding of this setting.   The information provided here is a list of articles to educate you on the various places and people you may encounter when playing this game. It is also text that is present within the setting itself. Specifically, these articles are written from the perspective of a group of Mundians as a part of General Massive Systems' media and reporting sector. Therefore, within this setting the knowledge found here is not attributed to a single person but rather a culture and community of people. In the setting this is done in an attempt to eliminate personal bias, but whether they have succeeded or failed in doing so is up to reader discretion.   Finally, the lore that has been written here is not necessarily set in stone. My desire for this setting is to create a rich tapestry that my friends and I can fall in love with, and I believe that this cannot be achieved without player input. Feel free to come to me with any critiques or ideas that you believe could enhance or refine this setting. On the other hand, I reserve the right to retcon or change any details already written. That being said, I do not intend to do this often, and will hopefully never have to do this.  


If this is your first time here, I suggest that you explore the introduction page that can be found in the Player's Handbook. This covers some core rules that will be followed in this game, as well as help in building your own original characters. It includes guides as well as homebrew options for character creation.   If you have an interest in the lore I advise that you begin delving into this setting's lore through the World Atlas, as the bulk of overarching information can be found on pages dedicated to the nine inhabited planets in the Pontision System. The World Encyclopedia will have information regarding more specific details relating to the setting and its inhabitants.   Finally, the Campaigns section will have information regarding the current story that your characters are undergoing. This will include items such as mission objectives, mission reports, and personalised articles that all relate to the campaign that your character is a part of.  


Within the setting of The Pontision System there are multiple topics and themes that could be uncomfortable for players. Topics touched on such as xenophobia, slavery, exploitation, authoritarian and oppressive regimes are all real and present things that adversely affect people worldwide. Prejudice and the injustices of the real world are deeply important issues, and their inclusion in this setting is by no means thoughtless and is certainly not written with endorsement in mind.   That being said, this setting has been written from the perspective of a middle class, cisgendered, heterosexual, able-bodied, white man; so any and all constructive criticism and feedback regarding the inclusion of social injustices is welcomed and will be listened to. I want this setting to be a safe space to play in for all of my friends, and if there is any content that may appear in a game that you are playing that could be potentially triggering please alert me to this so that I can avoid it while running sessions.   As GM, I will do my best to respect and honour player choice unless I find that an action taken infringes on another players' enjoyment of the game. This is a collaborative activity, and if anyone holds an attitude that acts against that spirit they will not be allowed to remain at the table. Further, if you find that another player is acting in a way that ruins your personal enjoyment and find that I am not taking action against those actions it is imperative that you notify me as soon as possible so that I can do my best to fix the situation. Nothing is more important to me than each and every players' fun and wellness regarding their time at my table.   Now that all that serious stuff is out of the way, allow me to officially welcome you into this brand new galaxy! I hope you all enjoy your stay in The Web.   Kind regards, James H.
The following is a Google Doc that contains the majority of the information found in this wiki. It contains no images and will not be as reliably updated as the service you are currently using, however can be useful when searching for general information. Intended to be viewed on the Firefox browser: THE PONTISION SYSTEM: WORLD SETTING - PUBLIC RELEASE

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