Plateau Geographic Location in The Plateau | World Anvil
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The Plateau is the continent that dominates the planet. It stretches from the north pole to below the Sunline. It is the main setting of the Plateau Saga and most, if not all, of its characters. It is roughly 15 million square miles with a population of 700 million. It is home to a variety of ethnicities and intelligent species most commonly the Mage, and their relations, who hold the power of Magick. For a long time it was divided into petty kingdoms on a regional and geographical level. A series of conflicts and reforms over thousands of years led to the formation of the Five Lands as independent kingdoms, and then joined together as the Monotherum superstate. Since the Tricorne War the Five Lands of the Plateau has been under the democratic rule of the Government of the Plateau and it's Head of State the Chief Justice Lord.  


There are five lands of the Plateau, each one based on a former constitute kingdom of the Monotherium.
  • Commonwealth of the Golden Vale
  • Polarin Nation
  • Sangiblur (Desert Lands)
  • Shadow Archipelago
  • Sunland
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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