The planisphere The City of Rubrya is Founded

The City of Rubrya is Founded



Rubrya was founded on the Pass of the Lake of the Rubryas by the legendary Eleven Survivors, refugees from the War of the Ludz, at least according to the Royal Rubryan Source   However, some registers say that this is not factual, and that the city was instead founded by the Ludzians, by the Guyo-Rani Peoples, or even the Repenyi Cities.    Others say that the Lake of the Rubryas was already inhabited, and that the Eleven Survivors merely joined them and somehow took over.

The Royal Source is notoriously credible, because it was composed by the Chief-Scribes of each king, who were tasked with recording every relevant event and adding it to the Source at the end of every year. However, we do know that these ancient writers used to exaggerate events or censor unfavorable registers, at least until the Monarch-Twins Addendum, in 632 BRE, when the censorship and/or alteration of official registers was prohibited and the organization of the Source was regulated.