The planisphere The First Kevrêfnah Expetidion is spotted

The First Kevrêfnah Expetidion is spotted



The nomad High-Glasslanders first reported to the tribal confederations seeing a strange shooting star and then a huge metallic lion-shaped building or vehicle and human-sized ants building an ant-colony around it. The news soon spread to nearby cities and then throughout the entire world.

The landing is estimated to have occurred between three to two days before the first official report of the colony. When tribal diplomats tried to approach the ants, they were ripped to pieces, and soon the ants started killing animals, including cattle, and raiding nearby locations. This led to the First Ant War.   It is understood now that the ants were not expecting the Planispherians to be suficently evolved or strong to fight them, and acted as they would with irrational species that they could not communicate with. In the next expeditions this behavior changed.

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