chromatashift paint Technology / Science in The Pelexat Galaxy | World Anvil
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chromatashift paint (Cro-Mat-Oh-Shift)


chromatashift paint is a paint used on many Kepek Commonwealth ships. The paint is made up of a crystalline structure that, when activated by specific electrical signals, changes the way light interacts with the paint, allowing its colour to be changed. It is primarily used on Interstellar Colony Flagships, as they are too big and require too much of an investment if they need to be recoloured (the colour is often used as part of the ship's identification - if the ship changes owners, or the ship's colony flag changes, the ship needs to be recoloured to match it). It is also frequently used on the ships of astrofarmers, who are able to use the colour-changing as a way to attract flocks of their creatures such as purnekels.
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