astrofarmer Profession in The Pelexat Galaxy | World Anvil
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Astrofarmers are people who tend to and care for space-dwelling organisms such as purnekels.


Payment & Reimbursement

Astrofarmers are paid based on the goods they harvest and sell, so what they get paid depends on what they are able to produce. Some standard rates are as follows:  
  • Purnekel Egg (Standard): 5 itep
  • Purnekel Egg (Cycled): 50 veu
  • Purnekel fin: 5 itep

Other Benefits

Space stations, especially those like the Bektep Space Station where the astrofarm industry is the biggest, often have very busy entry/exit spaces. To keep traffic under control and bearable, civilians are permitted to own their own CPC Ships, but they must apply for permission to leave the station and can not usually gain approval without a week's notice. Astrofarmers are the exception to this, as they are permitted to leave the station daily to tend to their flocks, so long as they check-in and out with airlock security when coming and going. They are one of the few civilian occupations that allow for such easy access in and out of the space stations. They are also given a CPC Ship and Spacesuit free of charge in order to do their jobs.



There are two pieces of essential equipment for an astrofarmer. The first is a custom-made Spacesuit (ideally with Holowatch integration) and a Civilian Private Class Ship with chromatashift paint. The chromatashift paint allows for the ship's exterior to change colour on command, and the purnekels are able to be trained to respond to the colour change like a command (e.g. green means "safe, follow me" where yellow might mean "Danger, stay!")

Dangers & Hazards

Astrofarmers work almost exclusively in the vacuum of space, which comes with many risks. Common issues resulting in dangerous situations include Spacesuit or life-support system malfunctions or damage, communication difficulties with airlock security preventing the farmer from being warned about potential incoming hazards and bad stellar-weather. While these events are uncommon, they are possibilities that astrofarmers need to be weary of.
Alternative Names
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
Related Locations

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