Elros Fairwinter Character in The Pathfinders' Guild | World Anvil
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Elros Fairwinter

Grand Master of the Pathfinders Elros Fairwinter

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hailing from an unbroken line of Pathfinders that can trace their lineage back to the days of the Old Empire  itself, Elros Fairwinter is quite literally Pathfinder Royalty. Born in the city of Whitecaster city, once an Imperial provincial capital and home to an original Pathfinders' Guild Chapterhouse, Elros was raised amongst the cosmopolitan nobility of that city of white stone by the sea. Tutored by the scholars of the Great Library, the young elf would travel beyond the Kingdom's borders to the Elven realms to the West. There he would refine the natural magical talents borne of his bloodline. When he reached adulthood, he travelled to many of the still standing Chapters of the Pathfinders and served with them all, learning their skills, hearing their tales, and building relations with them all. In his 263rd year, he would rise to the role of Grand Master of the Pathfinders.    Though aloof, Grand Master Elros has proven to be an head of his order. One of the greatest challenges that falls to the Grand Master is coordinating the efforts, and maintaining relations with the surviving Chapters. Because of the vast distances between them, the millennia of local traditions, rivalries, and sheer attrition it is common for Chapters to suddenly stop sending messages to Whitecaster. Whether their messengers were lost, if they've chosen to go their own path, or if yet another chapter has fallen, is often left a mystery. In the 67 years of Elros' stewarship, however, not a single Chapter that still answers the call of Whitecaster has gone unaccounted for. Though some have been lost, Elros has always sent out parties to find the truth of the matter. The fallen are mourned, and the prodigal siblings scorned.    Elros' ability to reach out to and support his subordinates has been challenged of late. The King of Whitecaster, seeking a way to bolster his coffers, chose to refuse his regular support of the Pathfinders within his Kingdom. It is heavily rumored that he resents the power the Pathfinders wield within the borders of his territory, and his lack of control over them. It is believed that he hopes to either bind Elros to him with coin. If Elros refuses the coin, it is hoped that the vestige of Imperial power that he leads will finally fade into history.
Current Status
Overseeing the Casterian Chapters of The Pathfinders
Current Location
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Elven Pantheon
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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