The Wildfire Brigades Character in The Outer Reaches | World Anvil

The Wildfire Brigades

Declared terrorists by the Hutts, the Wildfire Brigades are pro-Republic rebels seeking the overthrow of the Hutts and the moon’s incorporation into the Republic. Rarely do the Hutt siblings openly side with one another, but when the Wildfires appear, Lightossa gangers and Masque operatives will join together in brutal suppression. The Indigo Initiative has often been accused of supporting the Wildfires, despite their vehement denial. Yet somehow, the scavengers, environmentalists, and abolitionists of the Wildfire still manage to go toe to toe against Lightossa and Masque raids. With the Indigo’s lack of resources, the mystery of the Wildfires continued existence points to an unfortunate conclusion. The Iron Furs haven’t forgotten the Hutts participation in their enslavement.  

Trust Level 1 - Will Of The People

As the Wildfires gain ground on Nar Shaddaa, the people of the moon benefit the most, and crime, drug use, and other unsavory features of Smuggler's Moon which the other factions rely upon, disappear.  

Trust Level 2 - Burning Anger

As the fires grow across the moon, so to does the message spread. The Crew can call for any citizen of Nar Shaddaa to break free of their oppression and rise in violent rebelion, though who knows what the final cost will be.  

Trust Level 3 - The Moon on Fire

Nar Shaddaa is in flames, the old system has been overturned and now you stand on the ashes of the old. You will be in charge of rebuilding this moon, for better or worse.
Short Term Goals
See the Imperials Burn  
Long Term Goals
See the Hutts Burn