High Elven Godking Rank/Title in The Outer Black | World Anvil

High Elven Godking

THE TITLE & RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN IMPORTANT PERSON IN YOUR WORLD   Long, long ago, the Progenitor Gods came to be. There are many myths around their creation, but how they came to be is not important here. What is important is how the Elves came into creation. They were fashioned by the Elven Progenitor God, Valen'aeris. This god started out formless, taking the shape of the wind flowing through the leaves of a tree, the hare running for the safety of its burrow in the mid-morning sun, the warm feeling of sunshine upon one's face as one tills the soil. They remained in this formless state for some time but soon became lonely, wanting to have a family. So, they gave away their powers of formlessness and took shape, a tall, slender, pointed figure with gentle golden skin. Using this form as a starting point, they began to mold the Elves, creating hundreds and letting them populate the world around them, building the Elven Spires to give them a home. Where Valen'aeris went in the following years is unknown, but the High Elves believe they have an answer. Valen'aeris was reborn as a Godking, and rules over Ley-Lhoris.   The role of High Elven Godking belongs to the figure claimed and claiming to be Valen'aeris, and gives them complete control and authority over the goings on of all High Elves and of matters concerning Ley-Lhoris. After their First Speech of Returning, they were quickly adopted as the new leader and benevolent dictator of the Spire. However, some High Elves, as well as the Wild and Ink Elves, do not believe in this title. Those who do strive to be as much like their Godking as possible. This has led to their method of burial to completely change, as well as Elven culture as a whole.
Religious, Special