AC-721-ER01 - The Funhouse Document in The Order | World Anvil

AC-721-ER01 - The Funhouse

Document Type: Exploration Report
Report Number: AC-721-ER02
Date of Exploration: [REDACTED]
Location: The Carnival, Bridport
Subject: Funhouse Investigation  

Initial Entry and Observations

Upon entering the Funhouse, agents reported an immediate sense of disorientation. The entrance hall was decorated with shifting patterns and distorted mirrors, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Initial layout appeared to be a straightforward series of corridors, but this quickly proved to be misleading.

Room-by-Room Analysis

  • Mirror Maze: The first major challenge was a maze of mirrors. Agents noted that some mirrors seemed to warp reality, elongating or compressing space.
  • Hall of Illusions: This room contained optical illusions that disoriented the team. Some illusions appeared to reveal hidden messages or clues about the Funhouse.
  • Puzzle Room: Featured a complex puzzle that required agents to manipulate various objects to unlock the exit. The solution seemed to involve a deeper understanding of the Funhouse's anomalous properties.
  • Anomalous Phenomena Encountered

    Agents encountered several spatial anomalies. Corridors elongated or shortened unexpectedly, and rooms appeared to change when revisited. There was also a report of a temporal anomaly, where time seemed to pass differently within a specific section of the Funhouse.

    Agent Experiences and Reactions

    Team members reported varying degrees of psychological effects, including heightened anxiety and a sense of being watched. Two agents experienced brief episodes of disorientation and mild hallucinations after interacting with certain mirrors.

    Conclusion and After-Effects

    The exploration was concluded after approximately [REDACTED] hours, with agents exiting the Funhouse with a sense of relief. Some reported lingering feelings of unease, and there were questions about the Funhouse's true purpose and origin.

    Recommendations for Further Investigation

  • Continued monitoring of the Funhouse for changes in its structure or anomalies.
  • A detailed study of the Funhouse's mirrors and illusions for potential clues about its construction and purpose.
  • Psychological evaluations for team members involved in the exploration.
  • Type
    Report, Intelligence
    Digital Recording, Text


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