AC-721-AEP05 - JoJo, The Klownzilla Document in The Order | World Anvil

AC-721-AEP05 - JoJo, The Klownzilla

Document Type: Anomalous Entity Profile
Profile Number: AC-721-AEP05
Date of Documentation: [REDACTED]
Subject: JoJo, The Klownzilla  

Description and Characteristics

JoJo, referred to as The Klownzilla, is a gargantuan entity resembling a circus clown. It stands at an imposing height, towering over the landscape with a grotesquely exaggerated clown attire. Its skin appears rubbery and resilient, with vibrant, unnatural colors that seem to shift with its mood. The entity's eyes glow with a malevolent light, and its smile is fixed in a sinister grimace. Notably, JoJo exhibits burn marks and scars, likely from past conflicts or its own hazardous abilities.

Abilities and Functions

  • JoJo demonstrates immense physical strength, capable of causing structural damage with its mere presence.
  • It exhibits a degree of resilience to physical and magical attacks, likely due to its size and otherworldly constitution.
  • The entity can project an aura of fear, affecting those in its immediate vicinity and potentially paralyzing them with terror.
  • JoJo has been observed to manipulate carnival-themed constructs and weapons, hinting at a connection to the anomalous properties of the carnival from whence it came.
  • Behavior and Interaction

  • JoJo exhibits territorial and protective behavior over the carnival area.
  • It interacts aggressively with perceived threats, often resorting to violence.
  • The entity has shown a level of cunning and strategic thinking during encounters, suggesting a high intelligence.
  • Conjectures

  • Theories suggest JoJo may be the embodiment or guardian of the carnival's anomalous energy.
  • Its origins are speculated to be extraterrestrial or interdimensional, given the advanced technology observed in the carnival.
  • Some researchers propose that JoJo's existence is tied to the collective consciousness or fears of the carnival's visitors.
  • Observations and Field Notes

  • Agents have reported a disturbing presence that lingers even after JoJo has departed an area.
  • Witnesses describe a chilling effect on the local environment, with temperatures dropping and electronic devices malfunctioning in its presence.
  • Field agents have noted that JoJo's roar can cause disorientation and a sense of impending doom.
  • Type
    Report, Intelligence
    Digital Recording, Text


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