AC-106-ER02 Document in The Order | World Anvil


Document Type: Exploration Report
Report Number: AC-106-ER02
Date of Exploration: [REDACTED]
Location: Candlekeep, Three-Portlands
Subject: Exploration of the Second Floor of AC-106  

Initial Entry and Observations

MTF Omega-5 began their exploration of the second floor by ascending the staircase (M.10), noting a suit of armor and a trapdoor leading to the attic. The attic runs the length of the mansion and offers alternative access to M.13.

Room-by-Room Analysis

  • Stair and Attic (M.10): Notable for the trapdoor access to the attic, providing strategic movement throughout the mansion.
  • Laboratory (M.11): Featured complex charts, mathematical formulas, and a star map crucial for solving the puzzle in M.12.
  • Planetarium (M.12): An illusionary room mimicking a starry night sky. The room's puzzle, involving telescopes and a crystal ball, provided access to M.13.
  • The Chain Library (M.13): A library with a hostile bookcase protecting Freyot's Journal, detailing her pursuit of The Amulet of Eternal Arcane.
  • Trophy Room (M.14): Displayed various trophy heads and an illusionary fireplace. Two swords under a flying sword spell attacked the team upon entry.
  • Bedroom (M.15): Presumed to be Fistandia's bedroom, based on the personal items and clothing found.
  • Balcony (M.16): Overlooked the Arboretum (M.9) from above, providing a vantage point of the lower level.
  • Anomalous Phenomena Encountered

    The team encountered numerous anomalies, including the illusionary Planetarium, the aggressive Chain Library bookcase, and the animated swords in the Trophy Room. These encounters showcased a variety of magical traps and defenses.

    Agent Experiences and Reactions

    Team members expressed caution and intrigue, especially when solving the Planetarium puzzle and confronting the animated swords. The discovery of Freyot's Journal in the Chain Library was a significant moment, adding depth to their understanding of the mansion's history.

    Conclusion and After-Effects

    The exploration of the second floor concluded with the team gaining valuable insights into the mansion's function and history, particularly through Freyot's Journal. The aggressive nature of some of the mansion's defenses was noted for future reference and preparedness.

    Recommendations for Further Investigation

  • Further analysis of Freyot's Journal to uncover details about The Amulet of Eternal Arcane.
  • A more detailed examination of the Laboratory's star map and mathematical formulas for any additional clues.
  • Preparations for exploring any remaining unexplored areas of the mansion.
  • Type
    Report, Intelligence
    Digital Recording, Text


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