The Soldier Rank/Title in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Soldier

The Soldier is at the bottom. I apologize, but this is probably where you will be spending most of your criminal career. (You'll understand if I very seriously doubt you, won't you?)

Anyways, The Soldier is not the most wanted position, but a position that needs to be filled, and I will be almost entirely honest with you. The team would not be a complete team without The Soldiers. Although The Soldiers are rarely painted in the best light, The Soldiers do important work that many of the other teammates are too busy to do.

I would say the importance of being and having Soldiers is their willingness and acceptance to do those tasks that I, and others, are too busy (and sometimes too smug) to do.   (No, I am not talking about myself. That is rude!)  

Being a Soldier

In order to be a Soldier, one will typically come from a place of criminal infamy already. However, if one is not then there will be a series of tests one must pass. And, many teams will have a contract for him to sign if he is somehow able to pass them. The contract he will sign will most likely include the various tasks he may be asked to do and several other things. (I suggest, one actually read the contract.)

But once a Soldier, one will be a Soldier until his The Captain informs The Right-Hand Man he is ready to move up. However, please keep in mind that if you ever find yourself in this situation that you keep your wits. Don't start slacking, because there is nothing more humiliating than having to be demoted back to a Soldier.


The qualifications will vary from team to team, however, the most important thing is that one is a criminal. You will have a greater chance getting in if you have a criminal record. Although, I would say something minor, such as speeding, is not highly considered. However, if you have a somewhat well crafted and somewhat impressive criminal record you might actually have a small chance.

If you are not someone with a criminal background, I don't know why you're even here. But if for some reason you found your innocent self here, asking for a spot on some mafia team, and greatly insisting for a long period of time, you would be given several tests. Pass those tests and your in.

It's not as easy as that, of course, there are always exceptions and differences. (But we can just ignore those.)


The Soldier is the one that, well to put this lightly, does the work. The Soldier cleans the bathrooms, the bedrooms, the kitchens, does the laundry, makes the meals (don't think of poisoning anyone, you'll just end up poisoning yourself), and takes care of whatever pets some of the teammates might have.

In other words, The Soldier is the maid/butler. The keeper of the house. The undercared for and overlooked mother.

Now, when it comes to missions, The Soldiers are...expendable. (Well, look at that, I can be blunt with you! Didn't even break into sweat. Good for you!) During missions, The Soldiers are typically sent to do recon and various other things the mission may require. The Soldier is also more likely to die by being on the front lines, if push comes to shove.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

There are alot of grounds one can be removed as a Soldier. One is simply The Boss didn't like you. The second could be insubordination. A third could be stealing one of your fellow Soldier's dogs.

Really, it could be anything. So tread lightly!
Criminal Note
The Soldier is both a title and a role. For the sake of brevity, the information will be composed in this one article instead of two.
Criminal Worker
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