The Aves "Nests" Building / Landmark in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Aves "Nests"

The Aves Houses, almost endearingly called "nests", are small and practical, which is a stark contrast to their neighbors The Snakes's Houses "The Burrows"

Purpose / Function

The Aves houses are used to help train, raise, and grow the next generation of Ave criminals. This is the place chickens become eagles and learn to soar.


There have been several large changes to these houses, but the main two were 1) putting the utility room, all the bedrooms, and kitchen on the ground floor, and 2) changing them to a more industrial look.

Despite the four Ave houses being fairly small, especially compared to the other houses they still very practical and functional.


The Aves's houses are all small industrial buildings. Each house is slightly different, but has a very similar structure with three levels including the attic, large windows, and a second floor that sticks out over than the ground floor.

The inside of the each house is very practical and functional with the bottom floor having all the basic things needed in a house without feeling cramped. All the upper rooms were transformed into training rooms.

The very unique thing about the Aves house apart from their architecture are the ziplines that attach each of the houses. The ziplines are attached to the roof of the third floor, which is smaller than the second. This makes it so the person ziplining from house to house will land on the roof of the second floor. There are also various sized ladders on the back of the houses. (Most assume this is for the smash and grab training the Aves do.)


The Aves "nests" have the second least amount of defense, after The Felidae "Dens". They still have some small defenses in the front yard, but mainly rely on their security system, and unlike many of the other families do not have elaborate booby traps.
Owning Organization


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