The Ophidels "Burrows" Building / Landmark in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Ophidels "Burrows"

The Ophidels, despite their houses being nicknamed "the burrows", have by far the fanciest houses in the neighborhood. They own six houses in this particular neighborhood each with the prettiest windows and the most elegant doors.

Purpose / Function

These houses are to grow, to train, and to raise the next generation of Ophidels.


It feels as if there are always changes being made to these houses. They are constantly being updated and made into something prettier and fancier than the last version. As of right now, two of the houses are expanding a couple rooms and adding new bay windows. One is adding on a small turret. The other three are not changing their exteriors, but their interiors; although, no one is quite sure what they looks like.


Each of the six houses have a different look. The first house looks the closest to a modern house with a slightly Georgian look. It has two angled roofs side by side covering the house, one over the door, and another over the partially made bay window.

The second house is made of brick and has a large staircase leading to the front door surrounded by Greek columns that hold up a balcony. It has several large windows all of them symmetrically laid out on the house.

The third house is partially destroyed due to its new turret addition. The finished product will have a very castle-like look, especially with the dark gray stones covering much of the house.

The other three houses follow the same fashion as the other three. Each of them large with Greek columns, bay windows, or turrets of some kind. One of them having a Victorian look, another much more Georgian than the first house mentioned. These are houses that have rich owners, and the owners want you to know it.


The defenses for these houses are interconnected, besides having fanciest security system, complete with lasers, automatic guns, and firewors, there are false booby traps that lead straight into the real traps.

Each house has a large trip wire net that somehow spans across all six yards. This trip wire is activated at night and is pressurized. Once certain points of the trip wire net are touched, depending on which yard the offender is in, various traps will be activated and the next step will lead to the offender's death.

House, Large
Owning Organization


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