Eclipsis Geographic Location in The Octant | World Anvil
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Eclipsis, situated in the 6. Horizon Belt, is a planet shrouded in darkness and mystery. In present day, its surface has become perpetually engulfed in a thick, foggy mist, as well as a perpetual twilight, creating an ambiance that conceals much of its landscape. Navigation outside the main city is challenging, as the mist distorts vision and disorients travelers. The planet's reputation is tainted by its association with illicit activities and its seedy underbelly, attracting those who thrive in the shadows.
  As a primary trading hub in the Horizon Belt, Eclipsis plays a crucial role in the region's commerce and economy. Merchants from various star systems converge on the planet, seeking lucrative business opportunities. Despite its unsavory reputation, Eclipsis bustles with activity, with bustling marketplaces, sprawling warehouses, and busy docking ports. The planet's significance in trade and its central location make it a vital hub for the Octant, attracting both legal and illegal enterprises.   The inhabitants of Eclipsis are a rough and hardened populace, shaped by the planet's dark environment and the constant presence of the mist. They exhibit a deep-rooted distrust of outsiders, often hesitant to form connections beyond their tight-knit communities. Life on Eclipsis has fostered a survivalist mentality, leading to a society that thrives on cunning, self-reliance, and a keen sense of street smarts. Criminal syndicates, smugglers, and mercenaries find refuge here, taking advantage of the planet's murky reputation to conduct their operations away from prying eyes.   The local government on Eclipsis maintains a strict and authoritarian regime, placing a heavy emphasis on maintaining law and order. The planet's history of violent crime and civil unrest has led the government to adopt a hardline approach, with the Eclipsis Security and Enforcement Department (ESED) Enforcers employing a strong security presence and a swift response to any threats to their control. See Eclipsis Security and Enforcement Department
  Inhabitants of Eclipsis have developed a unique art form called "Lumigraphy," see Lumigraphy
  “Bliss": a highly sought-after recreational drug on Eclipsis among so called “shadow-dwellers”. See "Bliss"   Bioluminary Food: A popular culinary trend on Eclipsis which uses bioluminescent fungi and other genetically engineered ingredients to create dishes that literally glow in the dark. This adds a visually striking element to dining and makes food easier to eat in the low-light conditions.   Eclipsian Dialect: Over the centuries, the inhabitants of Eclipsis have crafted a distinct dialect, brimming with phrases and idioms that celebrate darkness, fog, and shadows. Unlike many other worlds where these concepts carry negative connotations, Eclipsian language embraces them in a positive light.   Nocturnal Lifestyle: Due to the perpetual twilight, the inhabitants of Eclipsis have adopted a primarily nocturnal lifestyle. This has also led to the evolution of social activities and festivals that celebrate the darkness and the stars.   Many of the native inhabitants of Eclipsis adhere to a belief system called Zalism. See Zalism and Zalith .   Aural Architecture: In Eclipsis, the constant fog and limited visibility have inspired the creation of "Aural Architecture." Buildings and structures are intentionally designed using materials and shapes that generate distinctive sounds as the wind dances through them. These enchanting echoes act as auditory beacons, guiding the inhabitants through the mist. Each building and district possesses its own unique soundscape, creating a symphony of melodies that resonate with the locals.   Techno-Organic Enhancements: Due to the harsh living conditions, many inhabitants have turned to Techno-Organic enhancements to improve their quality of life. These enhancements can range from eyes that can see through the thick mist, to respiratory implants that filter out the acidic components of the air, to bio-luminescent tattoos that provide personal illumination. Followers of Zalism however have rejected these types of enahncement, aside from small sects.


Despite the urban sprawl, Eclipsis retains elements of its natural landscape. The city is built around towering mineral formations, remnants of its mining past, now repurposed into glittering skyscrapers or hollowed-out to serve as storage for goods. The outskirts of the city transition into rugged terrains, with gaping chasms and towering cliffs shrouded in the ever-present mist, creating a dangerous environment that deters all but the most daring or desperate. Eclipsis is a world of perpetual twilight, its sky forever painted in hues of dusky purples and deep blues. The thick, foggy mist that perpetually shrouds the planet refracts the faint starlight, casting an otherworldly glow over the cityscape. This limited visibility has shaped the city's architecture, with buildings decked in neon lights and holographic billboards to provide illumination and guide the citizens through the gloom.


The harsh environment of Eclipsis has given rise to a variety of unique, hardy life forms. Luminous fungi dot the cityscape, providing natural light and serving as a crucial part of the local ecosystem. The city's fauna is equally adapted to the harsh conditions, with bioluminescent creatures that navigate the fog and predatory species that thrive in the gloom.

Localized Phenomena

Perpetual twilight and constant, heavy fog shrouding the planets' surface


Colder temperatures, occasional acid rains

Natural Resources

Eclipsis, primarily a mining planet, has evolved into a sprawling metropolis reliant on semi-automated machines to extract the unique minerals from its crust.


  • Discovery and Early Settlement: Eclipsis was discovered many Centurions ago, around 1C-67S PU, by a group of interstellar explorers charting the Horizon Belt. They were attracted to the planet's unique atmospheric phenomena and its rich mineral deposits. The initial settlements were mining camps and outposts established by various galactic mining corporations. The settlers were a hardy group of miners, engineers, and their families, willing to brave the harsh conditions for the promise of wealth.
  • Industrial Evolution: Over time, as more minerals were discovered, the population on Eclipsis grew. The mining camps evolved into permanent settlements, and eventually into a sprawling metropolis. The city was built around the mining operations, with towering semi-automated machines becoming a common sight on the city's outskirts. The city's growth was chaotic and unplanned, resulting in a labyrinthine cityscape of winding streets, towering buildings, and sprawling slums.
  • Establishment of the ESED: As Eclipsis grew in population and wealth, so did crime. Smuggling syndicates, black market traders, and other criminal elements began to take root in the city's underbelly. In response, the planetary three mining corporations established the Eclipsis Security and Enforcement Department (ESED), a force tasked with maintaining law and order. However, this force quickly became mired in the corruption that pervaded Eclipsis, with officers often turning a blind eye to illegal activities in exchange for bribes.
  • Economic Disparity: The wealth generated by the mining operations did not trickle down to the majority of the population. The elite, made up of high-ranking corporate officials, criminal kingpins, and corrupt officials, lived in opulence, while the rest of the population eked out a living in the grimy streets and slums of Eclipsis. This stark economic disparity has been a constant source of social unrest, leading to periodic riots and uprisings.
  • Present Day: Today, Eclipsis stands as a hub of commerce and crime in the Horizon Belt. Its reputation as a place where anything can be bought or sold, no matter how illegal, has made it a magnet for those seeking fortune or anonymity. The ESED maintains a tenuous hold on law and order, while the city's elite continue to profit off the planet's resources and its seedy reputation


  • Eclipsis (city)
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