Arabelle Character in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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You awake to the sound of water dripping on the ground. Tedious drips, falling down every few seconds. In the middle of the room stands a small girl. Her raven-black hair is wet, water dripping from the ends. Her dress is soaked through completely, clinging to her skin, whatever colors the fabric once had now faded. Her skin is alabaster and clammy, and her body seems almost engorged with water, bloated in a grotesque manner.
Arabelle was a Vistani child with strong prophetic abilities. She was the daughter of Luvash, and the niece of Arrigal.
Arabelle died at the hands of Bluto Krogarov.
975 AO 982 AO 7 years old
Circumstances of Death
Drowned by Bluto Krogarov in Lake Baratok.

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