Amber Pope Character in The Ninth World | World Anvil

Amber Pope

The most notable Aeon Priest is the Amber Pope. Amber Pope, Durranet VI: The current Amber Pope, Durranet VI, wears shining garments of scarlet, white, and gold, and a peaked cap that emanates an aura so profound that most people can’t recall the features of the Pope after meeting him, or even his specific words and mannerisms, though they do recall his advice and commands. Durranet VI and the Order of Truth hold the Steadfast together. The Amber Pope uses all the pressure his influence can muster to keep the so-called Nine Rival Kings from warring among themselves. To this end, Durranet VI has called for a crusade against the recently discovered people in the far north who live beyond the Cloudcrystal Skyfields. These people call themselves Gaians, and they are animists, believing that supernatural spirits inhabit all natural things. They revere these spirits, an act the order believes to be an abomination of truth. Nine years ago, when Gaian explorers first ventured into the Skyfields and the northern parts of the Steadfast, the Amber Pope branded them enemies of truth and declared a holy war against them. The first conflicts of this war, waged in the Cloudcrystal Skyfields, were small skirmishes. However, the order has commanded a large force of warriors to go north and defeat the Gaians in their homelands—and in so doing, divert any interest or ability to wage war far from the Steadfast, for peace is the best way to foster the truth.   (Numenera:Discovery Corebook)