Non-Human Anonymous / Gods Against Men Organization in The Night Sky Universe (Eleventh World) | World Anvil

Non-Human Anonymous / Gods Against Men

Non-Humans Anonymous

  Non-Humans Anonymous is a ethical and political association looking at curtailing violence and racism against non-humans. N.H.A. welcomes all non-humans, whom they affectionately call "Kin".   The organization has a its own social ladder Kin can climb. There are officials and politicians who seek to positively influence the Humans in countries around the world. They offer classes and conferences to explain the plight of Kin so that there can be mutual understanding between them all.  

Gods Against Men

  The furtive and inconspicuous head of N.H.A., Gods Against Men seek to militarize and overwhelm the "mundies", short for "mundane". Whereas N.H.A. are called Kin, GAM are referred to as Arbiters.   Although there isn't a standing army in the traditional sense, the organization's influence runs deep. Several politicians and N.H.A. diplomats are really members of the Ascended that have prepared specifically for a call to action by Omnipriest Seth. If orchestrated well, GAM could topple several governments, starting with the Balkans and Greece, seizing valuable sea ways in the Mediterranean. With thousands of "sleepers", GAM could even take over several larger countries, though that is unlikely.  


This is considered two organizations in one, so the two have been split up into their specific structure below.  

Non-Humans Anonymous: Kin


The Chosen

  Brand new non-humans who may or may not have control over their powers and abilities. This entry-level gets non-humans, called "kin" by N.H.A. "Chosen" is used to empower the usually beaten down persons who flock to safety. Chosen are only allowed on certain facilities around the world and must be escorted by three or more Privileged during normal hours, or an Influential or higher after hours.  

The Privileged

  The Chosen who stick around for more than four weeks are then brought into the Privileged, the largest group of N.H.A. The Privileged receive a key card to access the many facilities around the country for things like lodging and physical exercise. There is also no curfew for the Privileged around the facilities, though they must still obey Influentials and higher.  

The Influential

  After rigorous training and mental preparation, Privileged members must undergo a formality to be gain the rank of Influential. These members may escort any Chosen or Privileged around the facilities, provided they stay out of areas not lawful for them to be. All staff must attain this rank, and so this is the second largest group of members.  

The Elected

  The next group contains the higher staff such as officials and management. All campuses have an Elected in charge. Elected receive their title after a democratic vote from the entire congregation, from Privileged to Elected. Each vote counts as one for Privileged, two for Influential and so on. This is keep fairness, but the rules are scrutinized regularly to keep things fair. Elected are then brought before the Tribunal — Elected members for at least 15 years — and sworn into the Elected status. Elected hold the power and make the rules and peaceably listen and continue to grow further with their fellow Kin.    

Gods Against Men: Arbiters

sub imperium  

The Ascended

  As far as any outside entity is concerned, the hierarchy stops at Elected. Those who are loyal enough, however, find themselves in a new hierarchy. After completing the harrowing and indescribable Trials, selected Elected move to Ascended, the first group of Arbiters. Ascended are the elite soldiers and bodyguards, as well as influencers who recite what the Conclave gives them.  

The Conclave

  The priests of Ascended that have braved the Trials once again are sent to preach and teach their messages subtly. They teach the true message of Gods Against Men: Kin are above humans and subject to them. The Conclave are responsible a variety of tasks: the formal speeches that Elected read in public, the actual rule makers of the organization, the assurance of certain individuals in every other group, and many other tasks with the pertaining to control. The Arbiters motto sub imperium applies to these masters.  

The Odious

  The innermost circle of individuals including the founders and the Omnipriest Seth who is responsible for the writing of the sacred texts studied by the Conclave. Odious are the only ones who know the existence of the silk-covered entity in The Deep Temple known as The One, and its location is unknown to any but Seth. Odious form the most zealot of members who revel in the misfortunes and deaths of any and all humans. They hand down orders to the Conclave on which targets to hit next and how many at least should perish.  

The One

  An entirely unknown entity that exists in some place called The Deep Temple and outside the hierarchy of N.H.A. and GAM. Some Arbiters think The One is Seth's zealot fervency manifested. It takes the shape of a silk-wrapped humanoid sitting in some long forgotten cavern deep underneath the earth's crust. The temperatures in The Deep Temple often reach above boiling and is so far down it takes Seth a week to descend to obtain orders. The One is some god and speaks directly to Seth and grants him immortality and immunity to disease or other hostility. The One has ordered Seth to seek out a new One, as it is dying. After its death, The One will be reincarnated. The powers of The One are unknown at this time.  

Public Agenda

To promote fairness and safety to all non-humans, affectionately called "Kin."


One hundred facilities across the world, over fifty in the United States. Tens of thousands of members, and a sizable following on social media.

Justice for Us

Political, Activist
Alternative Names
N.H.A. / GAM
Leader Title


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