demons Species in The New World (3. Order) | World Anvil


The demons are a purely evil race. They seek to deatroy all other life and know neither compassion nor mercy.
They are creatures of the night as the light of the sun burnes their skin terribly.
During these days however there are few of them left and these few are only to be found in the great desert.

Civilization and Culture


First Order
The demons are the oldest of all mortal races. Created by a rouge spirit they were beginning to threaten the spirit realm of the gods . Then the other mortal races were created by he gods to act as guardians of the spirit realm. They were pushed back ino the great desert where thy multiplied unhindered for many years.
Then came the time of the great demonwar and the demons destroyed much of the Land and many of its inhabitants. After many years of fighting when the demons seemed victorious they were at last defeated by the godking, at this time a great war commander. It is said that he had help from the gods .
Second Order
During the second Order the demoons were few and often hunted down in packs. Therefore there is not much to be told about them during these days.
Scientific Name
mortal races
created by the devil
This article has no secrets.


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