Welcome to the New California Republic in The New California Republic | World Anvil

Welcome to the New California Republic

Character Development & Play.

Beyond the Mechanics of Creating a Character in Fallout RPG, I would like players to think about their characters as an extension of themselves or an alternate ego. I want you to think of your character's Personality, Motives, Strengths, and, Weaknesses.

 Please try and Get with at least one other player and develop a reason or story as to how and why you know and befriended one another.

 I prefer to run cooperative games and dislike players or their characters being disruptive to the cohesion of the whole group with their Typical response being "Well that's what my character would do...". This does not mean Player characters can have differences, secrets, motivations, or underhanded behavior outside of the group dynamic, but if the intended gameplay is just to alienate or make another player miserable at playing in the group. Understand I highly frown upon that. I like to see opportunities for each player's character to shine and have some fun and laughter even if it may be at one player's expense due to an unfortunate roll of the dice or the fate of a decision made. Please understand we are all here to have fun. Please speak to me if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable or is a no-go subject.

 I love Character Background Stories this provides me with more tools to get characters involved in the world we are making together and provides immersion. It helps me as a Game Master "Overseer" and provides inspiration to create better storylines and plot twists. This Does not mean you have to give me a detailed novel about your character before the gameplay but just a paragraph or two about them and their past. Part of the fun of playing an RPG is seeing players find out and develop more about their characters this part greatly reflects real life. In the beginning, we don't know much about ourselves and our world but the more we explore and try the more we learn.

Most of all I want us all to have fun and a little escape by sharing in the creation of a unique one of a kind adventure story all our own.


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