Mr. Handy Robot in The New California Republic | World Anvil

Mr. Handy Robot

The General Atomics International robot “Mister Handy” exploded onto the robotic market as a reliable construction robot, known for its durability and ease of maintenance, but its real breakthrough came in collaboration with RobCo to produce a domestic model.     You are one of these domestic automatons, produced sometime between 2137 and 2227, seeking to provide every household in America with butler-like servitude. Equipped with state-of-the-art programming, you have initiative and can adapt your own coding to learn more from your environment. This capacity for self-determination is what has enabled your survival beyond the Great War; where other robots may have broken down, you have managed to shake loose from the shackles of your programming and find a life for yourself.     Many models exist, and you could come from any of the Mister Handy, Mister Gutsy, Miss Nanny, or Mister Orderly series. You are powered by a nuclear core, can replace your own fuel, and repair yourself or other Mister Handy units. Your model has three mechanical arms and three mechanical eyes on stalks, and your jet propulsion keeps you hovering above the ground, providing you have all the fuel you need. With this rugged design, you have survived so far.  

Hit Locations:

  As you aren’t humanoid in construction, your hit locations are different than normal. Arm Attachments:   You Have 3 Mechanical Arm attachments to choose from depending on your model 10mm Pistol, Buz-Saw, Flamer, Laser-Emitter, and Pincer (Note: you need at least one pincer to interact with objects and carry things.)  

Trait: Mr. Handy Robot

    You have 360° vision and improved sensory systems that can detect smells, chemicals, and radiation, reducing the difficulty of Perception tests that rely on sight and smell by 1. You are also immune to radiation and poison damage, but you cannot use chems, nor can you benefit from food, drink, or rest. You move by jet propulsion, hovering above the ground, unaffected by difficult terrain or obstacles. Your carry weight is 150 lbs., and it cannot be increased by your Strength or perks, but it can be increased by modified armor. You cannot recover from your own injuries or heal health points without receiving repairs   (see Healing Robots, p.34).   You cannot manipulate the physical world like humans do, instead, you have three of the arm attachments in the Arm Attachments table, determined by your choice of equipment pack. If you select an arm that features a weapon, you also gain 20 shots of ammo for that weapon.  

No Pincer?

  You can choose not to have a pincer attachment as a Mister Handy, but in doing so, you will be unable to make unarmed attacks, or manipulate objects, and you cannot make attempt tests that use the Lockpick, Repair, or Throwing skills.


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