Aaracokra Ethnicity in The Nameless Trilogy | World Anvil
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It is unknown from where the Aaracokra first came. Given their proclivity for settling atop mountains, it is possible that they have long existed until the eventual first contact. Since that time however, the Aaracokra have become widely known. Before the telegram, Aaracokra carried messages or small cargo by winged flight across the Twin Continents. Despite their unique ability to travel, Aaracokra prefer to stay close to their nesting grounds and would much rather avoid extended contact with other races. As such, they can be seen as aloof and secretive, and their culture may also be seen as alien.   In recent centuries, the Aaracokra have formed a variety of city states in the South East of Scuros. Most were built atop mountains where few outsiders can reach, but some have been built on the plains, in the valleys, and even a few on the coastline. Despite the term "city states" they are anything but, united by their common racial identity. The Aaracokra differ from one another in a multitude of ways just as actual birds do. Some bear likenesses to eagles or falcons, and some are more alike to owls or seagulls. Yet they all share a common identity and will rush to the aid of other Aaracokra who ask it, proving its true that "birds of a feather flock together."

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

As with much of their speech, aarakocra names include clicks, trills, and whistles to the point that other peoples have a difficult time pronouncing them. Typically, a name has two to four syllables with the sounds acting as connectors. When interacting with other races, aarakocra may use nicknames gained from people they meet or shortened forms of their full names. An aarakocra of either gender may have one of these short names: Aera, Aial, Aur, Deekek, Errk, Heehk, Ikki, Kleeck, Oorr, Ouss, Quaf, Quierk, Salleek, Urreek, or Zeed.


Major language groups and dialects

Auran: An unusual language composed of hisses, whistles, and clicks of the tongue. It proves very difficult for outsiders to learn, which is why most Aaracokra also make it a point to learn Common to aid in communication.

Culture and cultural heritage

Schools of Magic

  Aaracokra discovered and categorized the school of Enchantment, which is a school designed to entrance and beguile other people and monsters. Many enchanters are skilled enough to bewitch the violent into laying down their arms, but there are those who use their unique abilities to rule the minds of the lesser.
Official resources published by Wizards of the Coast do not specify any sub races for aaracokra as it does for other races. Therefore, any differences in aaracokra are aesthetic that do not constitute any stat changes. For example, an aaracokra might have the appearance of an owl or an eagle, or even a hawk, vulture, or seagull.


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