Metatron Character in The Myriad Realms | World Anvil


Metatron - known also as the Rainbow Goddess, the Merciful One and the Reaper of Light - was one of the twelve Dark Lords that governed the multiverse before Mankind, and a source of all light-themed magic. While her origin and nature are shrouded in mystery, her pride in her own acts (however misplaced) has led to many reliefs being discovered in the numerous cities and fortresses of Elysium. As a result, at least her version of the story appears to be known.

Physical Description

Body Features

It is unknown how Metatron actually looked like. The Dark Lords and the most powerful of their servitors appear significantly more aligned with the human minds - with, for example, Metatron and her servants appearing 'angelic' - however it is not their ACTUAL look. It's just a self-censorship that human minds enforce upon themselves, seeing them as the closest approximation that they could handle. For example, the 'disappeared' shard of Metatron was a crystalline shard literally, suggesting that Metatron might have actually been some form a crystalline entity.   Metatron's 'false look' made her appear as a towering, impossibly beautiful female, estimated to have around 150 meters in height, surrounded by hundreds of wings (of varied size, shape and number) and floating globes of light. The exact details of her look varied between observer - according to the Dominion's survey, 78% of the soldiers participating in the siege of Panopticon saw her as voluptous woman (typically with flowing, golden hair), while the rest as an androgynous entity of unsure gender, and a variety of hairstyles and skin colours.

Special abilities

Metatron seemed to possess a variety of light and empathy-themed powers. She is known to have driven millions to suicide by projecting her own emotions into them, and to have conjured 'lances of rainbow light' that melted through an Universal Assault Unit's armor in seconds (from a distance counted in hundreds of kilometres). It is unknown what exactly Mankind unleashed upon her to finally break her, but the results were ugly enough for the entire city of Panopticon to be sequestered in a pocket dimension as a quarantine measure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The reliefs found in the ruins of her domains tell her version of the story. If they are to be believed, Metatron was once a saint in a world full of suffering and pain. She did her best to alleviate both, but at some point she understood that all that she does merely perpetuates the suffering - after all, even if you make a single generation live in comfort, it will give birth to another generation... who will suffer.   Her cure to the issue appeared to be genocide. She set up to end all suffering by ending the sufferers. According to the reliefs, they volunteered, understanding how pitiful their nature truly is, and due to loving Metatron so much. It is unlikely that any group of people capable of intelligent thought willingly choose extinction to avoid suffering, making many question the validity of this tale (on the other hand, how Metatron has managed to kill EVERYONE despite looking feeble and 'angelic' in the reliefs?).   How exactly she ended up becoming a Dark Lord - and starting a multiversal crusade to end all suffering - is anyone's guess, as the pictures do not cover that. What is known is that at some point she - together with eleven colleagues of hers - attempted an invasion on Earth, which started the Great Multiversal War. That didn't exactly ended like the Dark Lords intended it to.   During its last days, the realm of Elysium came under attack by the legions of Mankind. Records of the battles waged there are scarce, and heavily censored. What is known, however, is that "her light has driven millions to suicide" (it is believed that she possessed a truly divine level of empathy, that allowed her to show others what she felt - which ended up being too much). Eventually, however, she lost the war. Her throne-city of Panopticon was attacked, and something was done to it - something that resulted in the Dark Lord's demise and changed her capital into a realm of nightmares that had to be sealed in a pocket dimension.   Unknowingly to the universe at large, at least a single 'shard' of the Metatron was found by the celestials centuries after her fall. It has disappeared mysteriously (before the Dominion's forces swept in, demanding the locals to let them finish their job), with some suggesting that the Church of the Highmost is responsible for said disappearance.
Varied between observations.
Varied between observations.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Varied between observations.
~150 meters.


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