Mallow Labelle Character in The molten idea pit | World Anvil
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Mallow Labelle

Lady Mallow Linnea Labelle (a.k.a. Mallie)

Mallow is a liked and respected lady of a smaller province. While she’s not a traditional hero, going to war for her people, she has instead protected them and the people of other areas by practicing diplomacy and caring for people’s well-being.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the day she was born Mallow was a special girl. While she wasn’t rebellious, quite the opposite really, she longed for adventures. Exploring the gardens, running around the house and playing wherever she goes. As she grew older the castle didn’t seem as big, so her adventurous spirit turned against unknown lands. She took every opportunity she had to follow her dad on visits to other provinces and countries.


Being royalty Mallow has received a high education. Mostly learning about politics, leading and other boring stuff, Mallie made sure to find her own hobbies in her free time. Her favorite activity was going into the forest exploring. While it did make it less fun that the whole thing was surrounded by the castle walls, she still had a lot of adventures in there.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During her many years as ruler over the province Mallow has had a lot of accomplishments. If you’d ask her herself what she would consider her greatest, she’d answer starting a family and raise two lovely children was her proudest one. She has however on numerous occasions acted as a neutral party and avoided at least one war.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once, one of her first times on a visitation by herself, Mallow accidentally insulted the lord she was visiting, thanks to her not knowing their customs. While originally putting a damper on the mood, she managed to recover. After that she always studied the culture of the area she was about to visit, and when possible invited someone from that area to teach her.
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Circumstances of Birth
Mallow was born into nobility, growing up in the castle belonging to her father.
Light blue
Long and blond

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Author's Notes

Hello! And thank you for reading my article!
This was made during the Summer Camp 2018 challenge. I won't be editing any of these to keep them for looking back on. That being said some I'm really not happy with, so I'll most likely put up an edited version at some point. If I do you will be able to find the link on the top of the page

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