Ranger-Specific Mechanics in The Mislude Region | World Anvil
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Ranger-Specific Mechanics

Partner Pokémon: Unlike normal Trainers, Rangers do not receive a Starter Pokémon. Instead, they begin the campaign with a Partner Pokémon they have Tamed previously. This Pokémon is a Ranger’s most fervent supporter and ally. Partner Pokémon are always the same Rank as their Ranger partners and are considered to always have max Loyalty. Though they often do not get captured by Pokéballs, they are not able to be caught by other Trainers. Partner Assists: Unlike other Tamed Pokémon, your Partner Pokémon will not be released after performing an Assist and the strength of it will be increased by its Happiness. However, you can only use a Partner Assist once per Scene.   Capture Stylus: Being a Ranger means you are trained and are equipped with a Capture Stylus. However, this has made you less familiar with Training your Pokémon in the traditional way. Thus, Training your Pokémon’s Rank requires more successes than normal (In order from Beginner to Champion: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 10), but you begin the campaign with a Capture Stylus. Stylus Mechanics: While attempting to tame a Pokémon, they may attack you. Fortunately, innovations to Stylus technology have drastically increased over the years, and it will naturally protect a Ranger from harm; projecting a forcefield when attacked. The base HP of a Ranger’s Stylus is 4, and increases by 1 every Rank after Starter. Both its Defense and Special Defense are equal to the Ranger’s Vitality Attribute. When a Stylus’ HP reaches 0, it will no longer protect them from harm, and is unable to perform captures. Out of combat, a Stylus will recharge 2 HP every in-game hour. Capture Mechanics: Your Stylus allows a Ranger to tame/control a Pokémon without having to catch them. To use your Stylus, you make an attack roll against a Pokémon with the accuracy being Dex + Perform, and the amount of Damage Dice used deriving from Dex + Ranger Rank (Starter = 1, Beginner = 2, etc). The number of successes on “Damage” Rolls is then subtracted by the target’s highest defensive stat. When the Ranger deals more “damage” than the Pokémon’s Max HP, they are Tamed. The “damage” dealt to a Pokémon is considered to be typeless, and thus is not affected by weakness or resistances (although, Stylus attacks are Super Effective against Shadow Pokémon). You can not tame Pokémon that have been caught.   Tamed Pokémon: While Tamed, the Pokémon will follow you and obey your commands for up to 24 in-game hours, they perform a Pokémon Assist, or you dismiss them. Tamed Pokémon have max Loyalty, and their Rank is always 1 less than the Trainer’s Ranger Rank (min Starter) even if it was the Ranger’s Rank or higher in the wild. Rangers may only have up to 6 Pokémon with them at any time; between ones they’ve caught, and ones they’ve tamed. Tamed Pokémon will not act in battle unless commanded.   Pokémon Assists: During a Ranger’s turn in battle, they can instruct a Tamed Pokémon to perform an Assist. These Assists help the Ranger to tame a wild Pokémon and thus, can not be done in Trainer battles. By default, what an Assist does depends on the Pokémon’s primary Typing, and the strength of that Assist depends on its Rank as well as natural strength (i.e Evolved Pokémon have more potent Assists). However, the Ranger may also instruct their Pokémon to use one of its known Moves as an Assist. After a Tamed Pokémon performs an Assist, it will be released back into the wild. *Note: Traditionally-captured Pokémon can not perform Pokémon Assists. **A Tamed Shadow Pokémon’s Pokémon Assist is much stronger than those of Non-Shadow Pokémon. However, doing so has a high risk of rampaging when they are then released.   Involith: Also known as “Signs”, Involiths are symbols tied to specific species of Pokémon that a Ranger draws on to the ground with their Stylus to call for aid. To be able to use one, a Ranger must know that species’ Involith, have already previously Tamed a member of that species, and must be done in clear view of the sky (thus, can’t be done underground or indoors under most circumstances). In combat, a Ranger will need to make a Dex + Perform check to properly draw it under pressure. A Ranger can only attempt to use an Involith once per round, even if able to do multiple actions. It is a technique reserved only for the most prestigious of Rangers, and thus is a symbol of status for other Rangers and civilians alike. Once summoned, Pokémon will appear shortly afterward (one round during combat) and behave like any other Tamed Pokémon once they arrive. A Ranger can only have one Involith-summoned Pokémon with them at any point in time. *Note: Species with Involiths in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs will not have the same symbols in this campaign.


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