Legendary Pokémon of Mislude Species in The Mislude Region | World Anvil
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Legendary Pokémon of Mislude

Mislude is famous for its anomalously-high amount of verifiable Legendary Pokémon sightings. While the reasons for this are unknown, researchers such as Professor Cherry">Professor Cherry strive to discover the truth behind this mystery. Many natives to the region consider the sighting of a Legendary to be a Writ of Passage for youth—even more believe that you only become a real Trainer after having an encounter with a Legendary.
That being said, Legendary Pokémon only show themselves to Trainers they deem worthy. Trainers must prove themselves before they can be fought. Some examples of these proving methods include, but are not limited to: solving puzzles, overcoming trials, and tracking.
All puzzles will be solvable by a single Trainer (though may require the help of one or more Pokémon). However, if a puzzle is solved by more than one Trainer, all involved will be granted credit for doing so. Once a Legendary is encountered, it must defeat in battle before even attempting to catch it. Failure to capture a Legendary will cause it to disappear—not to appear again for some time. Trainers are not required to solve the same puzzle/pass the same trial twice, but will have to battle the Legendary once more. These rematches can be done as Solo Action.
Some Legendaries are prone to fleeing when encountered and will have to be tracked afterward. Once it has been tracked, the Legendary will remain in that Locale for an additional in-game day. Any Damage or Status Effect inflicted upon them will linger for some time. They will recover 1 HP of Damage every in-game day, and will shake off Status Effects after 2 in-game days. The Sleep Status Effect as well as any Move or Ability with the “Blocking” tag will prevent the Legendary from fleeing.


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