Echo Agarthin Character in The Mislude Region | World Anvil
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Echo Agarthin

Echo Agarthin

Echo grew up in Fiore, hearing stories of trainers going off on adventures, professors studying pokemon, but her favourite were those of Rangers, saving the day with their partner and any pokemon they could find. When she became old enough she became a pokemon ranger, bent on exploring the worlds and its secrets, making friends along the way. On a trip to Alola, Echo was attacked by Noibats while eating some fruit. Before she could take out her stylus, a wild alolan vulpix jumped out of nearby brush and attacked the Noibats. After the vulpix scared them off Echo shared some of her fruit with the vulpix as thanks before leaving, or so she was going to do if the vulpix wouldn’t have followed her. Echo asked the vulpix if they wanted to travel with her and the vulpix happily followed, they've been friends ever since.
Chaotic nut
Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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