Pan-Human Gatekeepers' Union

The Pan-Human Gatekeepers' Union is an extra-governmental organization managing passage through the many Tein Gates that connect the different systems of Human Space to eachother. The Gatekeepers are formally headquartered in the New Terra Station, a space station in geosynchronous orbit over the island of Borneo, serving as both the terminus of a space elevator and the site of three different Tein Gates into the mirror plane.


Founded by treaty between various Earth governments and colonial administrations in various systems, the PHGU was formed to solve the many organizational issues of Tein Gates. The two ends had no way to know what was on the other side except going through, the Tein Gates themselves were incredibly vulnerable choke points for any kind of transport or travel, and priorization of travel and transport as well as ensuring that the receiving end was actually free to receive material was an endless political quagmire between parties that had no way to enforce any deals upon eachother. Thus, the PHGU was formed to not be part of any government, to manage to traffic on a first-come-first-served basis, and to collect tolls for the maintenance of the Tein Gates and their receiving infrastructure.


Though controlling access throughout the stars, the Gatekeepers have no power outside All-Crossing, and have only light security forces. Their founding charter sharply limits how they are allowed to spend their resources, and they are generally forbidden from expanding their influence outside All-Crossing in any way.


All-Crossing is not formally part of any government, and so the Gatekeepers also exist outside the rules and remits of the various powers in Human Space. The organization has a 2-year rotating presidency that goes through the different parts of All-Crossing. Generally, the sub-organization running that particular station will offer their own director as president, but exceptions have been made.


The organization itself is run similarly to a corporation, with a hierarchical structure and generally seniority-based promotions through the ranks, though unlike a corporation, the Gatekeepers do not seek to turn a profit. Instead, any funds they have are spent on staff salaries and gate infrastructure, with leftover funds either saved as cash holdings for emergencies or invested into broad index funds. Due to their charter, the Gatekeepers cannot invest in any specific organization or hold ownership of one.

Alternative Names
The Gategeepers, PHGU
Controlled Territories


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