Tybour Insuritor Character in The Minds of Gods and Demons | World Anvil
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Tybour Insuritor

Written by Kbignell

Tybour Insuritor is a main character. 23 turns old, a wizard of great potential since he was 16, he was born and raised in Malminar, privileged, well taken care, pampered even. The pampering hasn't gone to his head so much as the ease at which he succeeds at everything he tries. He is very powerful and gains more power every year with his peak likely to come in his 25th turn.   Well built and physically in shape, he is an expert swordsman as well as skilled with the pike, mace, and daggers as well as very proficient with thrown weapons like the dagger and dart. He has mastered non-verbal magic and only needs spell components for very powerful ritual spells. His favorite spell is a force plasma bolt strong enough to take down 4 foot thick cement walls or blast a wooden sailing ship in half at 500 meters. He also favors a binding spell that disables Warlocks and cuts them off from their source of power, their demon patron.   He has platinum blonde hair that is thick and luscious, a strong jaw and heavy light-colored eyebrows. His eyes are sky blue. His skin is as light. He has a noticeable scar on the right side of his neck that runs up to his ear and he is missing about half of the ear lobe on that side, a lesson in paying attention he learned at the age of 18 while attempting to subdue a strong warlock attempting to cross the western mountains into Malminar.   He has served as a Wizard for Malminar since his 17th birthday, rising rapidly through the ranks to the First Mage of Malminar today. One of his first heroic accomplishments on achieving the rank of Fist Mage was to track down and kill the Salt Swamp Monster and the Warlock controlling it in the far north of Malminar, ending 38 years of the monster terrorizing the northern most reaches of Malminar.
Image generated by Midjourney and owned by Kbignell
Sky blue
Blonde, long and flowing, tied back in a ponytail when on a mission
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
223 lb
Read more in the books "The Minds of Gods and Demons" beginning with the first book,

Even Gods Lie Sometimes

Cover image: by kbignell via midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Ken Bignell via Midjourney


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