The Gods Ethnicity in The Minds of Gods and Demons | World Anvil
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The Gods

Images by Kbignell via Midjourney
The Gods have left the mortal realm. No longer do they walk the surface of Rit. They do not hold court in their magnificent palaces and palatial estates on the continent of Halconiket. The belief of most is that they left because of a mistake, not of their own accord, but no mortal knows for certain.
Whence they have gone we know not, but their departure at the failed Blessing hour is certainly proof that they left us, not willingly, but due to some catastrophic failure of the most powerful spell ever performed by God, Demon or Mortal. We shall not rest in our search for a way to help them return. And we will hold them forever revered in our hearts and minds.
- Asante Worequet
  • Searcher of Wants
  • 51 PB
  • Some we of the opinion that the Gods abandoned mortals to their own devices because too many mortals violated the laws laid down by the Gods and that mortal sins were just too much for the Gods to continue to walk among them.
    We are the problem! Mortals! The Gods have left us because we are sinful, base creatures that offend Godly senses just by existing. They came and walked among us, teaching us, gifting us the wonderful things, and we, in our ignorance and willfulness insulted them and shamed them until they had to leave. The very idea that the Gods would have made a mistake in the grand spell that is the Blessing is nothing but mortal hubris and stupidity of the highest degree! An insult on top of insults to the very Gods that tried to save us from Demons and ourselves! They left the Demons here as a warning, as a deterrent to our base desires and willingness to disobey their laws! Repent everyone of you! Bow to the knowledge that you are insignificant next to a God and that your existence should be to do anything they ask of us and all that they tell us!
    - Savaut Pewcant
  • Founder of The Church of Peace
  • 2545 PB
  • Religions have been founded, grown, declined and fallen in the 3000 turns since the Blessing, and still the memory of the Gods and their ways survives and influences life on Rit. The search for relics left by the Gods continues to this day, and every 50 turns or so, some new bit or evidence of the existence of an artifact is uncovered. Customs begun even before the Blessing are still observed today, even if their origin and meaning are lost to time.   Today The Church of Peace continues in its relentless pursuit to recruit every sentient being to its ranks and enforce a strict code of ethics and behavior in its attempt to emulate the Gods and, by being pious and living according to their laws (at least what the Church deems their laws) and guidance, bringing the Gods back from whence the went.   The worship of the Gods continues across the continent of Halconiket, though the religion has grown less in favor over the last thousand turns or so.

    Cover image: by kbignell via midjourney


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