Acradious Bush in The Minds of Gods and Demons | World Anvil
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Acradious Bush (a-cray-di-us)

The acradious (a-cray-di-us) bush bears the acradious fruit, which is highly prized for it use to make a slighlty bitter, creamy, hot drink with loads of cafine. The bush grows only on the eastern side of the mountains around the country of Malminar. The bushes have deep purple leaves, woody touch branches and long poisonous thorns. The bushes grow in small groves on the cliff sides, sheltering the small grasses and lichen under their leaves. Thwippits Thwippit browse on the grasses, lichen and poisonous mushrooms beneath these groves, their thick wirey, wool like coat and their resistance to most things poisonous, protecting them from the thorns.   As the thwippit moves through the thorny bushes, the ripe fuit that has developed a small mass of curly extrutions on the end farthest from its stem tangle in the wirey fur on the thwippits back, at the peak of ripeness, these curly wires tangle in the curly hair and pull the ripe fruit from the plant. The heavy, ripe fruit bend their stems to the perfect hight to ensure it is pulled off by passing thwippits. Domesticated thwippits return to their masters each evening, bringing with them their harvest of acradious fruit, which is then harvested by their keepers and shipped to processing area further down the mountains.
Read more in the books "The Minds of Gods and Demons" beginning with the first book,

Even Gods Lie Sometimes

Articles under Acradious Bush

Cover image: by kbignell via midjourney


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