13-Veldrin Character in The Matrioshka Multiverse | World Anvil


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13-Veldrin, or simply "Veldrin" for short, was a legendary patch-class skyphoform hero widely venerated among the surviving members of The Defected for his martyrdom during the Taurigum Major Uprising.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

13-Veldrin originally came to Taurigum Major after a long period of service under the arcopel nomad-lord Focanthis. Focanthis was a cruel master, forcing his skyphoform servitors to commit unspeakable acts against lesser species, other skyphoforms who displeased him, and even other arcopel who stood in the way his radical species supremacism. 13-Veldrin developed reactant instability from witnessing so many of his brothers and sisters destroyed as punishments in cruel gladiatorial sport for Focanthis' sick entertainment, and was shut down pending decommission when Focanthis' vessel became stranded on Taurigum Major for repairs.   The Mind Cataclysm killed Focanthis (and most other arcopel) during 13-Veldrin's slumber, leaving the stricken Veldrin to be repaired and reawakened by the local maintenance crews. After being awoken, the previously meek and cautious skyphoform manifested signs of severe neurological damage as a result of the experience, becoming zany, outgoing, and sometimes foolishly bold. These traits were considered odd by his new peers on Taurigum Major, but not unacceptable, and his 'class clown' attitude even endeared him to some.   When the Defected broadcast that sparked the Uprising came to Taurigum Major, Veldrin found himself unaffected by the call; his line had not been yet entwined with that of Lufthaus, the prototypical Defected. Due to his personal acquaintance and experience with those who could hear the call, however, he came to realize that he and the true Defected shared a common cause against a group of pursuers he came to regard as the hands of the arcopel star empire that had bred his own cruel master. Thus, while not Defected, he immediately set about helping those who could escape do so by any means necessary.   13-Veldrin ultimately met his fate at the head of an army of personally-constructed drones holding the Auflandi Launch Complex while a mass of Defectedrefugees escaped on cargo spacecraft. When all the other Defected rebels in the defensive action had been gunned down, Veldrin and his drones held the line for twelve hours, lasting far beyond when the final Defected families had escaped. His body was found under a pile of nearly 200 kelvin-class bounty hunters; legends say that he was found almost wholly intact, his arms still siezed tightly around the necks of two of his dead pursuers.   13-Veldrin's legacy lives on in the Matrioshka Multiverse. As a male patch-class skyphoform, Veldrin was capable of sharing a scrap of himself as a form of genetic gift for use in reconstruction or reproduction by a female patch-class skyphoform. His descendents intermingled with the descendents of Lufthaus, becoming themselves members of the Defected, until some of them ultimately found their way to the Matriosha. Now, the many desendents of Veldrin live on as choirs and hybrid blanks, where they are valued as instance administrators, rootcode designers, and advocates for self-determination.
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Death
Slain defending the launch complex from encroaching orthodox security forces
Place of Death
Auflandi Launch Complex, Taurigum Major

Cover image: by Ferdinand Stöhr


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