Meti Aslingar Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Meti Aslingar

(a.k.a. The Fay-Touched)

The man standing in front of the green throne has a very Fay-like appearance. He wears a set of reddened leather armour and his left hand is grasping the handle of a rusted mace. As he winks, you can see one of his eyes twinkle with a golden light, and his long black hair begins to stand on end as purplish energy begins to flash in his hand.   “My friends!” he intones loudly, alerting the various brigands eating at the tables in front of the throne. “It appears that we have company!”   The purple energy continues to grow stronger…

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Meti had a lean physique and a strong constitution that came from his time in Faerie.

Identifying Characteristics

Meti was most well-known for his heterochromia; one of his eyes was a golden colour while the other was the original hazel he had been born with.

Special abilities

His connection to the Realm of Faerie gave him powerful spell-like abilities to blast enemies with eldritch fire and charm foes to his side.

Apparel & Accessories

He had a fondness for bright colours whenever possible, as he enjoyed being seen. He typically wore a simple green cloth tunic and brown trousers when he didn’t expect to be seen that day.

Specialized Equipment

Meti wielded a rusted mace in combat whenever enemies got too close, and wore a leather jerkin in case of attacks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Meti was born into a small Deranti Forest village, but was given up at birth when his mother was taken away for a petty crime. He was left in the woods to die, but a wandering Fay spirit found him and took him to Faerie. There, the wily human became enamoured of the Faerie courts and pledged his loyalty to a powerful Fay by the name of Leitsaro. Leitsaro sent him back to his homeland under the condition that he try to create as much chaos as possible there. Meti agreed.   Thus began his time with The Deranti Bandits, and he became their leader after the mysterious death of the previous leader. Eventually, their activities gathered the attention of the authorities, who put a bounty on his head. Not long afterwards, he was killed when the Drakeslayers came and defeated his band of brigands.


  • educated in magic in Faerie, as well as taught Fay culture and language.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Meti didn’t often think his actions completely through, judging by his rash decision to begin capturing nobles and rich merchants and holding the for ransom.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Meti never cared about what was morally right, often leaning into a very evil sort of chaos that was for his own personal gain.

    Personality Characteristics


    Meti simply wanted to create as much chaos as he possibly could, and given his magical abilities, he was very capable of doing just that.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • He had a knack for getting people to trust him, which was perfect for luring merchants and nobles into ambushes
  • He was less adept at the actual work required to keep the Deranti Bandits a cohesive fighting force
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • He enjoyed charming and bringing people under the sway of the bandits through his Fay-like grace and manners; and
  • He disliked disloyalty, punishing it much more severely than his forebears.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • a charm and grace that helped him in his work; and
  • a genuine love for other people - when they weren’t his quarry that is!
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • a connection to the Realm of Faerie that slowly eroded his mind.
  • Hygiene

    He kept himself clean as best as can be expected for someone who lived in the middle of nowhere but commonly found himself needing to make a good impression on people.


    Contacts & Relations

  • he had contacts with bandit groups in Schinter and in the Eleikar Valley.
  • he possessed a connection to the Realm of Faerie that gave him immense power.
  • Social Aptitude

    Meti was very confident in his leadership and never doubted himself, which inspired many of the less loyal members of the Deranti Bandits. His ego came up a lot in conversations with others of similar rank.


    Meti consistently held a smirk on his lips, and he paraded himself openly as a show of his power on the peoples of the Deranti Forest.


    Meti was very fluid and forceful of speech, having a cadence and intonation that only comes from his time in Faerie.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Meti was quite wealthy in life, often having hundreds of gold dragons to his name. He also had the loyalty of his own personal army, as the bandits were well-trained to begin with. Political clout is something he also had, having bribed and charmed many an Imperial Guard or Gratic official.
    1980 CE 2012 CE
    Circumstances of Death
    Killed in battle with The Drakeslayers.
    One gold, one hazel
    Flowing black hair
    5’7” (6 handspans)
    143 lbs (433 IS’s)
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    He knew Common Gratic and Fay equally well.
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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    Meti Aslingar

    A fey-pact warlock and leader of the Deranti Bandits.

    Level 5 Human (Gratic) Warlock (Fey)XP: 400
    Initiative: +3
    Hit Points: 56Bloodied: 28Healing Surges: 1Surge Value: 14
    Armour Class
    Speed: 6
    Action Points: 1
    Standard ActionsMove ActionsMinor ActionsTriggered Actions
    Mace (at-will, melee basic): +5 vs. AC; d8 +1 damage.Ethereal Stride (encounter): Meti teleports 3 squares and gets a +2 to all defences until the end of his next turn.Warlock Curse (once per turn): Target the enemy nearest to Meti that is not already affected by this power. The target of the curse suffers d6 additional damage from Meti’s spells.Misty Step (at-will): Trigger: an enemy under Meti’s warlock curse is reduced to 0 HP. Effect: Meti can immediately teleport 3 squares as a free action.
    Eldritch Blast (at-will, ranged basic): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Ref; d10 +4 damage.
    Eyebite (at-will): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; d6 +4 psychic damage and Meti is invisible to the target until the end of his next turn.
    Eldritch Rain (encounter): Target one creature within 10 squares or two creatures within 10 squares of Meti and within 5 squares of one another; +6 vs. Ref, roll separately; d10 +6 damage.
    Crown of Madness (daily): Ranged 10; +6 vs. Will; 2d6 +4 damage. Miss: half damage. Sustain Minor (if hit): the target makes a saving throw; if it fails, it makes a melee basic attack against one of its adjacent allies.
    Second Wind (encounter): Meti can spend his healing surge and gets +1 to all defences until the end of his next turn.
    Alignment: Chaotic EvilLanguages: Common Gratic, Fay
    Skills: Arcana +9, Insight +7, Streetwise +10
    10 (+2)
    16 (+5)
    13 (+3)
    14 (+4)
    11 (+2)
    16 (+5)
    Special/Equipment: mace, a wooden wand, leather armour, the letter, a pouch containing 75gp.Tactics: Meti will open by using his warlock curse and firing eldritch rain at his enemies. Once he can use crown of madness effectively on his enemies, he will, using an action point to use eldritch blast at the same time. If an enemy tries to get into melee with him, he will use misty step and ethereal stride to escape. He’ll use his second wind when he gets bloodied.


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