Koldép Mine Building / Landmark in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Koldép Mine

"Never go in that mine, even if your life depended on it! Ever since the Rose war, that place has been haunted and cursed. People have gone missin', boy! Don't become one of them."   ~A local of Valtir, completely unprompted.

Purpose / Function

Koldép was built to provide the Empire with a quick and easy source of gold, as the veins here are very plentiful and were, at one time, very close to the surface. After striking some geodes further down in the mine, Koldép also provides some smaller gems, mostly emeralds and rubies.


The tunnels of Koldép are rough and not well hewn, as the miners here have been mostly interested in following the gold vein, not creating easy tunnels to traverse. These tunnels snake down and follow the main vein until it runs out about 300 feet below the entrance, although there are many natural tunnels that have smaller veins and perhaps other dangers.


Koldép was built when veins of gold were found near the surface near the town of Valtir, where the Withermaw Mine was already operating. It was finally constructed at the close of the Red Rose War, which means that there were many in town who lost families and friends in that conflict. Because of that, many shun the place, claiming it to be cursed.
Parent Location
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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