Articles relating to the Playable Species of your world
Though they can be born into most humanoid races Aasimar differ in accordance to the blessing they received from a Divine being
Short, stocky, durable humanoids with a culture centered around craftsmanship
Humanoids touched with power from the elemental planes of fire, earth, air, or water
Small and lively humanoids with a culture focused on knowledge and growth
Hulking giants among the other peoples Goliaths are tribal humanoids who worship their ancestors
Humanoids with the traits of their elven side and, most often, the culture of their other side
Large and hardy with a savagery from their Orcish side they have created a culture on improvement
Small, quiet, and simple humanoids with a culture centered around farming and gardening
Adaptable, driven, and diverse humanoids in culture and race
A scaled and vicious beastial race with natural instincts in nature and with tastes and principals that differ from humanoids
A coanstantly wandering feline beastial race, Tabaxi’s natural speed and grace make them adept survivors in unknown lands
Humanoids with fiendish traits who have fought long to survive in a world they aren’t always welcome
Aquatic humanoids with the affinity to control water, Triton’s have developed a warrior culture from their constant war to reclaim the oceans